
Zihan Mei





Features for Problem Set 8 (README.md)

At least 4 html pages

The main folder contains one index.html file, with four smaller html files inside the folder components.

The three smaller html, named

are my implementation of JavsScript codes for responsive navbars without bootstrap.

They only contain a navbar on the very top, with the first column navigating back to this homepage, and the other three columns navigating back to the three main pages of my personal website hosted on GitHub.

You may also notice there is a footer.html inside the folder. It's the components that loaded separatly as html footer in this main site and there are no links to the other pages in the file.

At least 10 tags

h1, h2, h3, p, b, br, ul, li, u, section, div, a, blockquote, hr, iframe, svg, progress, meta, link, button

Bootstrap usage

I used bootstrap for the main content in the site. But I only used the grid and flex system in bootstrap, and I imported the CSS for bootstrap to the style.css

My own stylesheets

I created 7 stylesheets, including style.css, article.css, selection.css and more.

JavaScript usage

With JavaScript, the site is interative in the way of animation, and appearance of blocks while scrolling, and also the top progress bar.

Responsive Design

The main site is responsive thanks to bootstrap, and the header-*.html sites is responsive with my own effort on JS.

About the site and its author

The site

  • Introduced ScrollMagic and anime.js for some animation.
  • Used parallax scroll for cover page.
  • A top progress bar and back-to-top tool.

The author

I'm currently enrolled in MAUD at Harvard University Graduate School of Design.

  • Jan 2020       I built my first website with Jekyll.
  • March 2020  I re-wrote my website totally with pure html/css/js.
  • Aug 2020      I wrote a single webpage with WordPress for commercial usage.
  • Oct 2020       I wrote a single webpage with grid system from Bootstrap for the final project of a class.

I borrow the pieces of cover section, footer, and loading animation from my previous website.

The main four sections (layout and animation), with the animation of collasping and opening, was written for this problem set 8.

If you are interested in my previous personal website, no hesitate to reach out



Study On The Development Of TOD

Boston, Urban Design, GIS

  • A comparison on the activities and building functions around two metro station in Boston.
  • A study on the potential TOD metro stations based on economic conditions around.
  • Used ArcGIS, Rhino, Grasshopper & Python.

Stage 1: We compared Boston with Arlington, whose TOD system is quite successful. We studied from the points of accessibility, parking, open space, land use, and income difference, to learn where and how the TOD station should be.

Stage 2: We extracted the points above in with GIS data of Boston to found out which site is the existing TOD and which site needs more.

Stage 3: We selected two station in Downtown Boston and Backbay respectively to study what a TOD station is like from the building functions, density, distribution, and activities.

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Urban Intensification

Beijing, Urban Design

The project is located on the void space between the entrance and administrative building at Tsinghua, aimed to intensify the functions here and to explore the relationships among each building, activating the space, inviting people onto the site, and offering daily service for students, tourists, and professors.

  • Parking Intensification - Solve the parking problems. Professors can park right underground the teaching buildings.
  • Circulation Intensification - Allow cars and people into the site, which used to be separated for landscapes. More space experiencing with denser circulations.
  • Functional Intensification - Introduce daily service on the first floor. Add space for class, hotel, and recreation.
  • The Relationships Intensification - Connect the new buildings with the existing ones with roof gardens and ground yards.
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For more design projects I have done, refer to my

Design Page


The End of the World

Orig. 岸部眞明 (Masaaki Kishibe)
Played by: Zihan Mei
Guitar: Yamaha FG830
Pickup: Samsung Note 3 Recorder
Date recorded: 2018-11-11


奇跡の山 Miracle Mountain

Orig. 岸部眞明 (Masaaki Kishibe)
Played by: Zihan Mei
Guitar: Yamaha FG830
Pickup: Meizu 16th Recorder
Date recorded: 2019-07-18


少年の梦 Childhood Dream

Orig. 岸部眞明 (Masaaki Kishibe)
Played by: Zihan Mei
Guitar: Yamaha FG830
Pickup: Meizu 16th Recorder
Date recorded: 2019-08-06



Orig. 岸部眞明 (Masaaki Kishibe)
Played by: Zihan Mei
Guitar: Yamaha FG830
Pickup: Meizu 16th Recorder
Date recorded: 2020-01-19


For more records and guitar tabs, refer to my

Tab Page

Code and Notes

Some Demo on CSS Style

Updated On: 2020-02-04

Several practice demo while I was learning CSS properties.

Include some practice piece in Anime.js.

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Convert Markdown to HTML with Python

Updated On: 2020-04-12

This wheel enables me to write the blog posts in Markdown, and automatically convert all the text into html with tags and attributes that fits the article.css in my website.

The Python script deals with the general converting, the YAML heads for my format Markdown files, and also add additional class attributes to the tags for format stylize.

View the source code.

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For more notes in both coding and traditional chinese digest, refer to my

Blog Page